Break down your complex project into feasible tasks and get closer to your new prototype.
The project plan has been drawn up, but you need some help? Put your team together to build great things.
Are you traveling without a laptop and wondering what's next? Mobile, you always have your project calendar with you and stay on top of your work at all times.
You need to somehow reconcile the conflicting requirements and interactions of your stakeholders? Organize your correspondence so that you can see at one glance what was discussed with whom and when.
You don't feel like writing all your letters twice or triple and copying already known information into Word? With our templates, you can concentrate completely on your project, and the letters fill themselves.
Do you quickly lose track of the status of your project with all your tasks? In different views, you can see at one glance when your prototype will finally be ready.
A week's holiday and you've missed a lot? In the activity stream, you can see at one glance who was shining with what during your absence.
The notes function lets you see at one glance what the document in question is about or allows you to discuss your plans with your team.
Pertuniti provides a customizable and mobile-optimized all-in-one solution that enhances the efficiency of your project management.